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Deleted 134 days ago

Hey I'd love to help with the issues, A lot of your complaints are related with the recent Mixamo update which I'm pretty new to honestly, my apologies if it's been more complicated than advertised. But I'm here to help, if you could send me a more detailed complaint to and we can sort it out as promptly as possible. I'm bringing them into Unity now to investigate.

No prob, I set up a system for it. I got it working by reimporting stuff. Will delete the reivew.

Thank you so much for that, like I said I am aware the Mixamo stuff might be a bit janky, I hope to improve my understanding as I do more. But if there's any issues that pop up with any of my assets, I'm always here to try and make it better.

Even if it takes a few f%#k ups and revisions XD I want to make affordable and technically/artistically good psx assets for the dev community.
So I appreciate the occasional rough reality check, reminds me that I still have things to improve one.

No problem, it looks great. Just export the animations as their own file so it's easy to put them in the animation controller. I had to export everything and key them out myself.

I forgot to mention they don't come with avatars and I had to generate them on my own, that's pretty important if you want to get them working in untiy. 

Yeah the issue with the animations I am going  to dive into this weekend, It's really strange because they are created in Blender using NLA Strips, and not on one giant frame sheet. Which Is why I was a little confused , they should be separated and named on import. So that is a very serious issue and I appreciate you spotting that. Also the pre-setup  avatar is a great suggestion(Will include an example animator tree too), I've been in the process of starting to ready some assets for the Unity & Unreal/Fab Store. So I have to setup all that stuff anyway.

I've just been really fortunate to be super booked on contract/commission work lately, and I don't have much time to dedicate the store as I used too. But I'm going to try and split some personal dev time on weekends to implement fixes and suggestions.

Thanks again Carson, as an apology for the wait time on those updates. If there's any prop or character pack in my catalogue you might find useful I'd be happy to send you it for free. Just drop me an email :)

just a heads up: in the exports folder, the armgib has been exported as the axe model

(1 edit) (+1)

Haha no idea why I did that, but I will fix it first thing tomorrow. Thanks for the help OldBoy :)

 Whoa, man! The new stuff looks awesome!

Thanks dude! Had a lot of fun making the gibs :D

 Nice work! Love the style. Thank you.

It's a pleasure dude, thank you so much for the kind words. I plan to add some more zombies at some point. Gamedev has just been eating all my time lately, if you have any suggestions or technical issues please leave another comment or email me.

I look forward to the new zombies! I guess I do have a bit of a technical question. When I imported him into Unity, I didn't see the death animation. The rest are there. Do I need to export the animation from Blender somehow? If so, I'll try to figure it out. I understand you're busy, just wondering.

I'm going to run some tests today in Unity, weirdly enough I've run into this same issue before with a model I commissioned before it's something to do with NLA Action Strips, and it's always the last animation on the list. I think I know what's causing it and I will patch it by the end of the day so you can just re-download it.. My apologies for the "jank" :) I appreciate you pointing out so I can make the pack better.

 I surely appreciate it. I found your YouTube link and will follow you there too. Thanks for being a refreshingly super-cool human being. The world needs more of ya.


Right back at you, thanks for being so nice. So the issue is fixed I had to duplicate the animations and rename them. No idea what was causing it. But Unity and NLA strips have a sordid past so bugs just happen. Thanks for the support, more dev-logs coming soon :D